Mango Diaries-Page Three

 Mango Diaries continues its onward march. Its been exciting and enriching picking up the threads along the way recollecting imageries and personalities from my own life that have sweetened my experience to such an extent that these people have become a part and parcel of my Mango Diaries. Its a very honest and true attempt in bringing true life stories in front of all the readers, there is so much of negativity around all of us why not a few spoonfuls of positive, vibrant, sometimes sweet and a little bit of tangy sourness of our Mango Diaries each day. That's the principle idea behind Mango Diaries

Today in my Mango Diaries I proudly feature my Uncle(My mothers younger sisters husband) Mr K V Lakshmanan. He is no more but I am sure that he is there somewhere spreading sweetness in someone's life or someone's family. Such was his nature. Lakshman chittappa was born to do good. He could not bear to see people suffering.

A curt and strong personality by nature, most people could easily mistake him to be arrogant and an angry personality, but beyond all the tough exteriors lay a very soft hearted Santa Claus. At least Santa was what he was on that one day which is Christmas Eve but Lakshman Chitappa was a great samaritan each day and right through the year. 

His daily routine was pick his two wheeler and going on rounds, he ran a security agency which required frequent supervision and so the rounds. Anyone not adhering to his duty properly would be reprimanded with a stern warning, a warning that he would never forget but the sterness would be forgotten soon, He could never see a hungry soul and would always ensure that he is fed properly. My aunt-Padma chitti would always have her hands full with visitors round the clock, invariably strangers each time not knocking at her door step but being bought in my my uncle to feed a hungry soul.

Once we all went to a good restaurant for dinner and our dinner get togethers always includes uncles, aunts, cousins and sisters. On this particular Dinner expedition Lakshman Chittappa was also invited, but to our surprise he was a bit late, joining in. Hot food and Delicacies were ordered and in walks Lakshman chitappa with a not so well dressed shabby looking young man. Chitappa had apparently found him on the road, very hungry and tired, so had bought him to the hotel so that he could have dinner with us.

So many stories of chitappa having provided food, shelter and clothing to strangers, and it never ended with just basic necessities, it also went on in many cases where strangers were happily settled into meaningful jobs. Countless are such stories. By the way his generosity did not extend to just human beings but to Animals as well. I have seen so many street dogs being adopted by him. Each time a Tiger or a Panther(This is how he would name the tiny, skinny malnutritioned creatures whose name and body structure had no similarity altogether) would find themselves a comfortable dwelling in his own house, well fed and taken care of.

For his large heartedness and making a huge difference in Hundreds of lives, I am happy to state that Lakshman Chitappa finds a place in my Mango Diaries.


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