Mango Diaries

 Many people have suggested and advised that I write a book, they appreciate my writing style and the ways of my simple language. However let me state quite unilaterally that I find myself at the bottom most rung of literary authors some of whom are yeons ahead of me and I am just not quite there. However what is quite exhilarating and encouraging is your kind and loving feedback that acts as a potent tonic to keep writing more. My attempts have always been to give visual delights to my words. If there is a synchrony between the two and I have bought a smile on your faces then I would have achieved my objective . Writing a Book was never my intention and never will be, if at all I will come close to writing a Book, it will be a Biography of someone else, could be the life story of Roadside Coconut seller. Along with writing a Book rises the expectations of a commercial dream, which I would prefer not to get entangled with, and so here I would like to present Mango Diaries.

Summer Time means Mango Season, the expectations of Fun with Yellow, Tango with the sweetness of the King of Fruits, its tanginess, its own distinct sour like acidity. Who does not love a Mango, Everyone does. The Eyes express an unhindered joy while reeling under its naturally flavoured taste. Nothing like a Ripened, Yellow, Heartful sweet and sour Mango, Bitterness excluded.

Our Mango Diaries will just be like that, oodles of sweetness, a little bit of sourness, just the right amounts to bring that smile on all our faces, intention is to bring positive, happy, simple to relate stories. Positivity is the only idea , controversy and Bitterness excluded. Happiness and Smiles All Over. 

With that let me relate to you My Mango Diary for the Day. Its all about our Domestic Help who used to work for us in my favourite city, Kolkata. His actual name was Sudama Kamkar, however  thanks to my Grandmother who hailed from the southern state of Tamil Nadu, Sudamas name got mumbled and jumbled into something totally perplexing with no connection whatsoever with the original Sudama-Korima. So for pattys sake lets continue with Korima. Korima was from Chapra District in Bihar. All we know is that he moved to Kolkata to make his living, in search of a job reached my grandmothers doorsteps

Korima was everything in our lives. For me he was a father figure. I learnt so much from him. Humility was his personification while punctuality was second nature to him. I have never seen him coming late to work, never seen him taking a day off, and best part is He was always smiling. Korima in truest essence was our go to man, a man Friday.

Right from doing all the Household Chores, to giving me a soapful bath, being my fast bowler in the nearby park while I hit those glorious sixers out of the Park, Fanciful thinking. If as a family we went out he would clean up the entire house to a sparkling environment, while giving it an impeccable Bihari setup. The Pillows would be in place. The bedsheets incredibly clean, the rugs and Blankets neatly folded and ready for use at the beds end. Not just that Hot Chappatis rather Phulkas would be prepared much to the delight of us Hungry souls. He slogged his life out for mere mortals like us. We treated him like one of us our own dear most family member, My Mango for life and the first in the series of our Mango Diaries.

If you wish to be a part of our Mango Diaries, please do write in to me. It need not be a long story like mine, can be a few sentences or just a incident/a positive story that was just as sweet as a Mango, come be a part of Our Mango Diaries.....Meanwhile Thanks Korima for being with us, Heavens above might be a better place or who knows you might be already shining once again in someones life on our planet like the sweet and sour Mango. It was nice starting the Mango Diaries with my most beloved Korima and the wonderful memories we shared with him, Wonder where the next of the Mango Diaries will come from. If you are interested to contribute to the Mango Diaries, please write in to my email id or just whatsapp me on my number 8056182555. Look forward to hearing from you, till then Tata, and do enjoy those sweet, pulpy, juicy mangoes


  1. Good luck Karthik. I am looking forward to reading the mango diaries' next post already! God bless

  2. Beautifully crafted piece, picturesque, warm and truly yours feelings..loved the title karthik,


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