The Art of Politics & War

I dont quite understand Politics, neither do I understand War. All that I understand about War is that it has far reaching consequences that takes years to rebuild. A War destroys a countries morale, leaving hundreds and more dead. It cripples a nations economy and renders it helpless. In these days of social media where news spreads thick and fast, the war is broadcast right into our living rooms, nothing really gets hidden below the carpets. Its there for everyone to make their own inferences.

A Few Facts about Ukraine even before we get into those mindless whatsapp forwards that are doing the rounds on social media about how rich Ukraine is with abundant raw materials and how Putin is seemingly made to look like a monster:

Ukraine's poverty rate currently at 51%.In 2020, the unemployment rate of the Ukraine amounted to approximately 9.48 percent of the total labor force.

What does Ukraine produce the mostly? Ukraine produces 16% of the world's corn and 12% of its wheat, as well as being a significant exporter of barley and rye. While many of Ukraine's exports go to countries in Europe and Asia, agricultural products, much like oil, tend to trade on increasingly integrated global markets.Of course Ukraine nursed ambitions to be a part of NATO and Russia objected to it. Perhaps Putin wanted to assert his own supremacy over the region given the size of Ukraine, the fact that it is a non NATO nation did help Putins cause for  going to war but I simply cannot accept Putin crying foul. If Murder is there on Putins hands, bigger murder is on America and Mr Biden. 

Indias POV: While looking to condemn the the aggressive act of Russia and looking to safeguarding the interests of Indian Citizens in Ukraine, India must toe the Russian line. Lets not forget that Russia has been Indias ally even in our difficult days. Given the Fairweather attitude of US, Russia is a more trustworthy ally for India. And lets remember the days of romancing Kamala chitti from the bylanes of Besant Nagar,Adyar and Mylapore are over. No more idli/sambar diplomacy in white house my friends so long as we are spared the bullets.
My heartfelt sympathies with the dead and injured. War leaves permanent scars in the minds of those who suffer. For a nation that is already impoverished there can be no bigger damage than a war being imposed on it. While News agencies/Commentators are crying huge headlines like Invasion, WW3, I would say that this is a blessing in disguise for Ukraine. Putin will obviously have his team in place, Chernobyl will be in much safer hands and America will be left wondering what to do next, other that imposing mindless sanctions on Russia. Putin is a smart man and he must have planned his moves much in advance. White Pieces -Russia, Black-Ukraine. Advantage Russia


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