Surviving Summer with Ayurveda

Dear Srini Mama

You are loved by millions across the globe. I am fully aware that being summer season you will be fully committed to Cricket. I keep hearing news of you rushing from Venue to Venue just to ensure that your pasanga are comfortable and taken care of. I cannot but recall the time you organized a whole train of CSK fans to be transported from Chennai to Pune. It was indeed mind blowing and very gratifying for us your dearest fans.

In this excruciating weather and scotching, oppressive heat Mama it becomes very important for you to take care of your health and who better to appeal to the CSK Fans to take care of their well being than you yourself. I your dear most paaiyan decided to send a few Health Tips your way for yourself and your dear pasanga. These are very simple tips to follow and most inexpensive. As you know TBK has become a big follower of Ayurveda these days and recommends the subject to whomsoever I meet.

Ayurveda comes form two words Ayu: which means life and Veda means Science. Hence Ayurveda goes beyond a medical science to explain various aspects of life like Dina charya (daily regimen) and Rithu charya (Seasonal regiment).

Rithu charya (Seasonal regimen):
In Indian system we have 6 seasons - Shishira, Vasantha, Greeshma, Varsha, Sharat and Hemantha.
Ayurveda provides guidelines for food and lifestyle for each season. Greeshma Ritu (Summer season) is one of the harsh climates, it is crucial to follow the guidelines to keep yourself healthy.

Why summer is important ?: 

  • It is the time when immunity is very low. 
  • Time for diseases.

Most Common diseases 
As mentioned above the body immunity is the lowest during summer moreover it is favorable for the disease agents to spread, making it the host of all communicable diseases.
Apart from these many discomforts arising due to dehydration and excessive sweating. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is most common especially for people who are hesitant to drink water. Excess heat and sweat will cause dehydration and UTI. The solution is of course drink enough water. Along with water we are loosing minerals and salts. So it is better to drink lemonade with a pinch of salt, tender coconut water, butter milk, Arrowroot or fruit juices.
Ensure hygiene before taking juice from outside as this is the season for all communicable diseases. If there is itching in urinary trait or private area, wash with water boiled with triphala powder. 10 Resins are good to keep the PH of using urine

Sweat/body odors:
Another common discomfort of summer is excessive sweating. This is the mechanism of body to bring the internal temperature down. Adding vetiver/dried amla in bathing can reduce body odour/sweat. Ice water is not recommended for drinking, better to use boiled and cooled water. Sudden changes in temperature are also not good.

Food to cool the body: 
Milk and milk product can be used. Sweet foods are good, Light, cold and liquid foods are the best consumed in summer.Reduce consumption of  Non-vegetarian  food as they are heavy. Go for foods with more water content than dry food like bread, Roti and Parotta, Eat more cooked vegetables. Drink Water kept in earthen pots. Summer: Seasonal fruits: watermelon, guava, mango, cucumber No Alcohol during summer, it cause intensive dehydration. Summer is time for digestive disorder and aggravation of conditions like piles.  Reduce intake of spicy food.

Lifestyle During Summer: 
The only season which allows sleeping daily daytime an hour in the noontime. You can involve yourselves physical exercise, like morning walk, yoga, breathing exercise.Take bath in cold water .

Healthy Recipes for Summer: 
1: Honey + water + amla juice becomes a great refreshment.
2: Cucumber + Lemon + Sugar/Jaggery
3: Sarsaparilla Sarbat, You can add milk to get a cooling drink for summer.
4: Tender coconut water mixed with pulp

Srinimama, These are some of the simple health tips for all of us to follow. While all of us are busy with our hectic lifestyles we must ensure that we take utmost care of our health. In this regard I would highly recommend all of us to follow the following website: . I have gone through the site and has interesting tips to follow on the health front from the Ayurveda perspective.

Namaskaram and Best Wishes



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