Chennai Rains and the Aftermath- A Lot of Food for Thought

It happened in 2015, Vardah hit us in 2016 and in 2017 its back to very heavy rainfall. When I first landed in Chennai I was told that there there were only three vagaries in the climatic conditions that prevail in this part of the country, hot, hotter and hottest. Lets awaken to the realities of 2017, Its hot, hotter and hottest in summer and Heavy Rains,Heavier Rains and Heaviest Rains in November and December. Come to think of it, we have now perhaps attuned ourselves to the most extreme kind of weather conditions. Its now almost ten days since the North East Monsoon hit us, we have indeed weathered quite a few storms. The new thing about #ChennaiRains2017 is that there is no letting up. Its been one wave followed by another sharp spell. There has been a set pattern in the last ten days. Its rain-rain-rain-rain-break-sunshine-rain-rain-rain-rain-sunshine-rain. Last Ten Days there has been no school with kids at home having a gala time. I would suggest that the government and school authorities alike scrap the December vacation and instead have a North East Monsoon vacation much like a Summer Vacation

Most of the heaviest rainfalls has happened late night, thankfully enough for people to get back home, there have been no reports of people getting stranded in their work places. The major irritant factor from a parents point of view has been the way the announcement of holidays has been handled. Everyone has been left clueless on whether the classes go on or not. It is something that beats my understanding totally. The Weather Forecasts are available with the government authorities. You are fully aware that the weather conditions are fickle over the next two weeks time or ten days time. Declare Holidays. Period. There is no uncertainty at all this way. Why be on the tenterhooks on a daily basis keeping both parents and students alike anxious.

Now explain this to me my dear real estate sharks and government officials alike. You know that certain areas in Chennai wherever Real Estate has mushroomed were formerly lakes or water bodies. This is nothing but a ecological disaster. Areas like Velachery and T. Nagar were Lakes which have morphed into concrete jungles. Now is it a surprise now that nature is only trying to reclaim what used to be its own. I am of the firm belief that no amount of dredging or De-silting is going to help. Now there is no going back, you cannot correct the damage that has already happened. However can there be legislations/rules regarding construction of properties in marshy areas. Pallikaranai, Madipakkam and Mudichur are the areas that need to be focussed on. Maybe what I am asking is a little too much of a society that is neck deep in politics. But this is the right time for the civil society to ask the right question of the unscruplous leaders who come canvassing for votes the next time around. But a worthy read as far as Real Estate and how it has panned out, its adverse effect leading to an ecological man made disaster has been well captured in this article. 

The roads are in bad shape, there is garbage and litter all around, disease that is lurking round the corner. The next big thing to deal with once the rain stops would be the stagnant water. We have been facing the issues with Dengue. Again some sort of a government cover up there. Hospital are running full with no beds for the sick patients. Post the death of Ms. Jayalalitha the government has virtually shut down. How long this government is going to survive is anyones guess. In such times it is only up to us the Common Man to get things and it does not seem impossible going by certain examples, success stories.     . All it requires is a sustained effort backed by documentation and evidence that can take all of this to a logical conclusion.  The next time you see the road outside your house getting flooded dont be silent, raise your voice till you are heard. If there is an encroachment in a Public area, mark your protest. To bring Chennai back on its track is not just a government responsibility, it is the joint responsibility of you and me and all of us.

Finally the next time it rains dont complain. Chennai needs water to be able to sustain all of us. Our catchment areas still need water despite all that action in the last ten days. Dont spread unwarranted rumours. They can easily scare people. Enjoy the rains, help people around to the best of your abilities, thats what I do. Have a Happy week ahead.


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