Coaching @ Gennext: A Parents Perspective

I have seen stars making it big in the field of sports. Take for instance the legendary Sachin Tendulkar. he had the good fortune of a coach like Ramakant Achrekar. Hope I got the spelling right. However there have been quite a few success stories who have made it it to the top by sheer passion or by love of the game. Some make the cut to the top of their art while others may make the cut as successful coaches. Here is where my story begins.

I went to drop my sons to their cricket coaching sessions in T. Nagar, Chennai- Gennext Academy which is run by Ravichandran Ashwin and his team. I had the rare opportunity to bump into Ashwin himself. To say that I was stumped by the champion bowlers modesty would sound a little understated. Clearly I was well out of the crease in my thoughts that superstars belong to some other planet. I had to be proven wrong. We did have a small chat about coaching and here is what Ashwin had to say. He quickly introduced me to his colleagues and all of them are childhood friends. Ashwin went on to add that a lot of them had made centuries at the Under 10 levels, that too at a time when coaching was not a big deal. What I did make out of the conversation was the following: One- You need a lot of passion and love for the game and once that is there everything else falls in place. Secondly-here were a group of kids who made it big despite not having any kind of access to great coaching names. Now the point to read is that these youngsters have started a venture that fulfills the need of every budding young cricketer. I meant the Gennext academy. When there is an availability of specialized coaching skills on offer on a platter for a very affordable cost, I would definitely want my children in there honing their skills. However here are the reason why I decided to try what gennext has to offer:

Reason 1: Cricket Academies is Chennai are crowded: 

Every parent including yours truly want their wards to become an Ashwin. be that the case, over the years cricket academies have mushroomed in the city of Chennai, each vying for each other to showcase what they have to offer. These are not academies but factories which produce a few hundred hopeful cricketers. I have sent my kids to academies where there are a few hundred other kids each wanting an equal amount of attention, lesser number of coaches and then the obvious problems cropping up. This problem is not just particular to Chennai but is a problem being faced in cities like Bangalore and Chennai. Clearly Reason One is that I wanted my child to have personalized attention that Gennext is able to offer. Not more that 30 wards at any given point of time from what I could see.

Reason 2: Not Just about Cricket: 

Cricket is something that each and every cricket academy offers . So what makes Gennext stand out in a crowd from a parents point of view? Well I wanted an academy which would focus on all aspects of the game and most importantly physical fitness. You might have all the talent in the world but if you do not have the required stamina and physical fitness you just cannot make it big. I found Gennext to be focussing a lot on unique and interesting drills that can transform a youngster into a complete cricketer. Physical fitness on one side, the game has always been about strengthening the mental aspects, the strategies, and the game plans. There are separate counselling sessions dwelling upon each and every aspect of the game.

Reason 3: Honey its about Money: 

End of Day you always want to know how heavy its going to be on the pocket. Even I had this fear. However I was put to ease after hearing about the fee structure. The fees is extremely affordable and well packaged. You can go in for a package that suits your budget and as per the requirements, skill levels of the ward. Rest assured honey, money part is not at all a worry.

Reason 4: Good Infrastructure:

Bustling in the heart of the city-T.Nagar, Gennext academy is hosted in a ground-RKM grounds on GN Chetty Road. The ground is big enough to host quality league matches. They have even prepared a well laid out pitch in the centre. I inspected the pitch and found it to be well laid out, no cracks with green patches in between. There were nets as well sufficient enough for the children who come for the coaching. Not to be left behind as far as modern techniques are concerned, the academy boasts of a couple of bowling machines as well.

Reason 5: Kids have Fun

An academy is a place where kids should develop a passionate love for the game in a most natural manner. There should never be a fear of non performance. A child that performs sans fear, with confidence will be the the one to outshine others. So allow them to flower, give them the freedom to bloom and I am sure we will have hundreds of Ashwins donning the India colors. I guess that Gennext differentiates itself in allowing the youngsters the freedom to express themselves, to learn the game, the right way, the fun way.

Reason 6: Training for the Game of Cricket

I have seen most academies to have a casual jog around the field, a round of physical fitness jigs and then its time to pad up, throw the ball to the bowler and its just bat and ball. Gods sake, Have you wondered how the child gets to run between wickets with all that cricket gear. Have you coached a faulty bowling action or that wrong footwork? have you ever mentored a player the right way to walk back to the pavilion after he has been declared out? Have you ever trained a bowler the right lengths to bowl at. Have you used a tennis ball to teach a kid the first few steps at the game. Have you played soccer on a Cricket Field? Well all the essentials for a game of cricket. I have seen all of this happening at Gennext and that is why my kids go there. Rhombus Cricket is a unique technique taken up in this academy where they teach the child to play well within the V.

Reason 7 : Has to be for Ashwin

When the worlds number one bowlers name is associated with the academy you know for sure that the coaching and infrastructure will of course be world class. I am and my kids are of course die hard Ash fans and for us to be associated with Gennext is indeed a great honour.

Thats about it as far as Gennext is concerned. I would highly recommend this academy to all Parents residing in Chennai for sending their wards to a good cricketing academy. send your kids here with the expectation that they will come out as better human beings from the academy, not with the hope that they will the next big name in cricket. Every Parent dreams the best for their children and that is how it should be, one thing is for sure and I am willing to place my monies on this, there will be no lack of effort from the coaching perspective as far as Gennext Cricket Institute is concerned.

I am told that there will be a special summer camp commencing this year from April. reach out to the young and dynamic Sudarshan on his Mobile number 9841784061 for further details.


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