Blogging my Thoughts and Views in General

When blogging becomes second nature in a persons life, it does seem empty when you do not put your mind to writing something. It simply does not matter to you anymore how many people have viewed your blog or how much of revenue it has generated, all that is secondary. The play of words is nothing sort of a romance and once you fall in love you will go the distance to maintain the relationship. Such is my relationship with words. Days pass by and the urge to write only increases day by day-a appetite that is never really satisfied.

last few days we have been noticing quite a few trends as far as Relationships are concerned. First was the the ugly public spat in the Samajwadi Party between MSY and his son Akhilesh. I have just a few things to observe. Once you are directly under public glare it is very difficult to pull away differences of opinion under the carpet. Secondly it does look very ugly when within the family itself there are disputes cropping up between your own kith and kin. I guess that this is what power and money does to a person. Power corrupts and it makes a person to go blind. There are political opportunists waiting to seize the moment and for sure they will not let it pass, with the state elections just round the corner.

The second headline hitting the news channels was the exit of Cyrus Mistry as Chairman of the Tata group of companies. Again a case of washing dirty linen in full public glare. My own personal reading of the situation is that Mr Ratan Tata is known to be a man of principles. This will be a case that will get even more murkier by the day unless there is a golden handshake, which looks most unlikely given the fact that Cyrus Mistry has released a huge press release in todays dailies about his ouster. In the interim stock prices will drop. Arnab and the nation will want to know why it all happened. Media in general will cry hoarse but ultimately will get lost in the Diwali festivities. On a serious note the Tata group is a huge conglomerate not too sure about its valuation. There will be a few hard decisions to take but this Titanic will not sink, stake is just too high and remember they are very steely in their resolve, worth their salt. :)

Finally we are into Diwali week. shopping becomes a must. The country wears a festive look. You get to see it in the newspapers with first five pages carrying advertisements of different e-commerce companies. Definitely do all your purchases, but by monies worth and not money burnt. :) Money burnt reminds me of all the fire crackers. Yes I have my own concerns about the pollution and the kind of labour involved. Before you think of a school campaign as to how they will not burst crackers this year, my plea would be to think of the families directly employed in the firecracker trade. Lets not harm their bread and butter, alternatively what be could be other sources of income for these places. Are there Answers?

Its been a pleasure writing this piece. Meanwhile Kitchen calling as that New Ladoo needs a piece of my mouth. I intend giving it a sweet mouthful, with loads to be shared amongst friends and relatives.


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