10 Tips to Gain more Followers on Twitter

I have been in the social media arena for more than 10 years now and have a fair bit of understanding as to how social media works and what it takes to gain more traction in Social Media. Having said that I was a compulsive Facebook person before I adopted myself to Twitter. As a beginner I never really understood what Twitter was all about and the concept of Hashtag. It took me a while to understand how it really works on Twitter. I must admit here that I was all at sea for quite some time. 

TIP 1- 140 Character Limit 

As a beginner, I would post just about anything sometimes exceeding 140 characters which is the prescribed limit on Twitter only to be rejected. If you have been good at Precis writing at school, you can understand what Twitter is about. Easiest Thing to do would be, write a tweet one that exceeds even 140 characters and then remove words that are not really required. Ensure that your English is correct and spelling mistakes avoided.

TIP 2-  Start Following People and Un-following People

For a start you would need to follow people who really matter, who you feel are influencers, maybe a few celebrities. You need to have a constant control on your Twitter handle. Keep having a birds eye view on who you are following and who has followed you. Its also equally important to know who has Un-followed you. The more number of people who you follow, chances are high you might get followed. Its just a question of getting noticed.

TIP 3- Your Tweet needs to be unique

Believe me its a huge crowd out there with millions of Tweeters with their Tweets 24*7, 365 days a year. To be noticed in a crowd like that your tweet needs to be unique for you to gain more followers and your tweet to be liked. Once your Tweet is liked the chances of being Re-tweeted are quite high.

TIP 4- Participate in Twitter Chats

There are a lot of Twitter Chats that happen on a daily basis. Participate in these Twitter Chats and give a voice to your opinion. Once people respect you for your opinion, they will start following you.

TIP 5- Have a relevant Hashtag strategy

What is a Hashtag? Before any word Example: Sunday insert the # symbol. #Sunday. This would help in improving the virality of your post. Clicking on the same will take you to the place where all Sundays are listed. Over a period of time and more usage of Twitter you will start understanding which are the more popular hashtags.

TIP 6- Stop Trolling people

As per Wikipedia the definition of troll is as follows:
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement. Be courteous and polite. Never engage in a verbal duel. Never play to the galleries. Believe me trolling never helps and I have learnt it the hard way. Do not use vocabulary that can be perceived as being vulgar or disrespectful. People will end up blocking you and you can get into a lot of problems which is best avoided. Stay away from controversy

TIP 7- Use of Relevant Pictures and Videos: 

These days Pictures/Videos create a great impact. Use of the same just to illustrate your words makes a lot of sense and a big push to virality.

TIP 8- Start Blogging

Blogging in your field of expertise will get you a lot of followers. There are a lot of people online constantly looking out for information. Once people start liking your blogs they will end up following you as well.

TIP 9- Stay updated with latest news and Retweet

I you are a social media enthusiast you must stay updated with the latest happenings and news. Start following news channels. Once social media enthusiasts tweet something important or current, retweet them. The Retweet strategy is applicable to any tweet that you may find to be interesting and current. Intention is to share it so that others may benefit from it and start following your tweets on a regular basis.

TIP 10- Never stop learning

As is with any field the process of learning never really stops, it only gets stronger with experience. I constantly observe tweets and what makes them to go viral or otherwise. I always tune my tweets accordingly. You can never really be a social media enthusiast if you stop the learning process.

Twitter is an art form that can be mastered and endow you with all the fame in the virtual world. There are of course ground rules for engaging and if you follow some of these there is no reason why you will not gain more followers. There will always be accounts that show 20k+ followers or even more. There are times when people by Twitter followers. This is not the healthy way. The best way to grow your followers is organically through the quality of your tweets, the hard way but the only way to the Top. 

Have a wonderful day and fun way with Twitter


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