Some Questions that go unanswered

The Heart Pains to read the violent headlines on a daily basis. Terror raises its ugly hood once again this time around in Assam. A few more innocent lives lost, and many more will be lost in the days and years to come if the problem is not rooted out. Yes Rooted out, because you need to address the problem at the root level. We all know from where the problems are emnating from and who is providing fire to a few hundred misguided youth.

It is heartening to note that our Home Minister ventured to Islamabad as a part of the SAARC Ministers meeting and mentioned it openly that Pakistan stop glorifying terrorists as martyrs. But on the other side, what the Citizen would like to know is, Where does the buck stop? How long do we continue to tolerating terror. Its fine to issue statements and keep warning an errant neighbor, but when do we see real action being taken? Pakistan obviously has not learnt its lessons after the Kargil misadventure and the 71 war, in both cases they were forced to beat a hasty retreat. I am now of the
opinion that if this limbo continues of just winning the war of words, then our neighbor is not going to take us seriously and we might just have to make do with more Terror attacks. A couple of months back it was Pathankot, now Assam, next where???? Its time to take concrete action and not just maintain status quo. I am pretty sure that the government is acting on the same and that there is a plan in place.

The other concerning issue is that of the Monsoon. Every year almost during the same time Monsoon hits the Western parts of the country in a massive way, each time Mumbai comes to a standstill. Flooded roads, traffic jams and communications getting affected. I am yet to see a plan that talks of facing impending rainfall, or crack teams being in place to handle any act of nature. We continue to complain of lack of infrastructure and poor roads. Why do Floods happen in the first place? because
there is no place for the water to flow freely and join the sea. While urbanization is welcome and we are witnessing the age of the Concrete Jungle, How can we create an Intercity Canal system for the water to flow through the city without causing floods and hardships for the common man? Can we unclog the existing the Canals and free them of the dirt and blocks. Can we stop using plastics? Can we stop dumping garbage into the Canals instead have a efficient Garbage disposal system. Responsibility lies with the local citizen as well.

I am leaving this blog open ended for people to post their comments and feedback so that we can improve the standard of living of the common man. Jai Hind...


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