Happy New Year- A Resolution, Blogging 365 for World Peace

2016 is now a thing of the past. We are now into First January 2017. Happy New Year to everyone. May the world prosper, Let peace prevail, Let there be prosperity and all round growth. Let us not be envious of each others growth but find meaningful happiness in serving others. Let us find ways and means of contributing towards the welfare of all the living beings on this planet. Having said that I wish to take upon a new challenge in an area that I love to drown myself into, The world of Writing. its called the 365 day challenge of continuous blogging. Its going to be tough and mean because each day is never going to be like the previous one, bound to be challenges, There will be days when I do not feel like writing at all, those are the days when I have to pick myself up to get into that creative flow. There is a lot to be done. Personally 2016 was a gratifying one for me. Life yet again presented me the opportunity to travel places in the North East. As a part of the Sri Sat...